Paediatric Ophthalogy

At DIVA we understand that a child’s eyes are very different from that of adults as it takes around ten years for the eyes to mature and see finer details completely. Paediatric Ophthalogy Surgery in Ahmedabad. Therefore, the way a child’s eye reacts to the treatment, the way of examining, and the way of treating – all are different, specialized, and children friendly.

Common Paediatric Eye Diseases

Glass number

Children with weak vision are treated through eye exercises, glasses, and eye drops.

Amblyopia or lazy eye

Amblyopia is reduced vision in an anatomically normal eye. The term “Lazy eye” is used to describe it. This condition happens when visual function of one eye is underdeveloped. This could be successfully treated in early childhood as complications increase with age.


Squint is a visual defect in which the eyes are misaligned and point in different directions. The eye turn may be constant, or it may come and go. The turned eye may straighten at times, and the straight eye may turn.

Allergic eye disease

These include congenital cataract, Ptosis or drooping of eye lids, congenital nasolacrimal duct blockage (or NLD blockage) which results in watering of eyes. Newborns and younger infants commonly have some matting in their eyes and may have a lot of tearing; this could be because of blocked tear duct.

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    Signs for eye problem

    Appearance of eyes Behaviour Complaints
    Crossed Hold the object very close to eyes eyes that itch,burn
    One eye turns in or out frequent rubbing of eyes poor vision
    Drooping eyelids squints or frown when looking double or blurred vision
    Red-swollen shuts or covers one eye frequent headache
    Watery tilts or turns head to look
    Often affected by stye cant see distant objects clearly
    White reflex in black area of eyes


    Why Choose Us?

    At DIVA we understand that a child’s eyes are very different from that of adults as it takes around ten years for the eyes to mature and see finer details completely. Therefore, the way a child’s eye reacts to the treatment, the way of examining, and the way of treating – all are different, specialized, and children friendly.

    Our Experts


    Director M.S. (OPHTH)

    Dr. Dipan Desai has over 30 years of experience in the field of retina. He has managed most complicated retina cases. He has been performing all kinds of retina surgeries since 1987. He is a renowned senior surgeon.

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